J. Henry Dabrowski was born in Cleveland, Ohio in 1955. He’s a professional engineer with a Master’s in
Business Admiration and the President of Visionary, LLC – a professional consulting firm to the
construction, legal and insurance industries.
His story is both familiar and less so. Approaching retirement age as most of us do, he opted for a 90-
degree vector to reinvent himself by becoming a writer of speculative fiction. Moreover, with an eye
towards the finality of life and his remaining purpose to be accomplished therein, he began looking,
indeed yearning, for a spiritually-based cause to die for. Delusional at worst, practical at best, he’s a
believer that security is a poor choice as a final goal in life. Akin to attaining what you strive for but
taking no joy from the accomplishment – the top of the ladder of success found out too late, to have
been leaning against the wrong wall as it were.
Certainly the thought of pyrrhic victories earned, don’t motivate him. No joy there!
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